[Asterisk-Users] Win up to $2000 for AsteriskEnterpriseReferences!

Anish Basu anish at softelinc.com
Wed Dec 7 08:17:30 MST 2005


We are in the process of implementing a large asterisk cluster for a client
of ours using 6 servers.  We tried sharing the sip contact information using
the realtime architecture, but that did not work.  Instead we resorted to
using the Realtime Static configuration and many dialplan tricks to build
our cluster.  There are many different ways to cluster Asterisk servers
together, and they all have their pros and cons.  I would suggest taking a
look at
http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+High+Availability+Solutions for
some ideas.

Anish Basu
Field Systems Engineer
Softel, Inc.
Phone: (732) 705-9202
Cell: (732) 312-6634 

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