[Asterisk-Users] Does intel 865 board works fine with Asterisk

steve at daviesfam.org steve at daviesfam.org
Thu Aug 18 14:14:50 MST 2005

On Wed, 17 Aug 2005, jonny hashem wrote:

> I would like to know what are the issues I need to
> look for in a chipset board so I can make sure it
> works fine with digium cards and Asterisk . Is intel
> board 865 fits the description?

Well - I built two systems with Intel Desktop board with 865 chipset.  
They have 3.0GHz HT processor.

I fitted the systems each with a TE405P (gen 1) and two TDM400P boards 
with FXO/FXS.  I looped all the ports and loaded it up to capacity (128 
concurrent calls).  It runs solidly.

The boxes have 1GB ram, and two traditional IDE disks in mirrored setup.


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