[Asterisk-Users] Firewall will definately increasejitters inyourvoice conversation

Chris Travers chris at metatrontech.com
Sun Aug 14 19:45:02 MST 2005

Tim Connolly wrote:

>On that note... IPSec tunnels seem to reek havoc on the echo
>canceling/training process. Anytime our Cisco PIX loads up, the echo
>complaints start coming in. Stay away from the IPSec tunnels. 
Any idea why that would happen?  Obviously on a 4-wire end-to-end system 
echo cancellation is not an issue.  But since your PIX is not part of 
the 2-4 wire conversion why would it impact your echo cancellation 
unless the inaudible added latency is throwing off the training algorythms?

Also echo cancellation, if I understand correctly, should affect only 
systems where there is a 2-4 wire conversion (i.e. analog to digital).  
If there is no such conversion, then this should not be a concern.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers
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