[Asterisk-Users] chan_skinny issue turned to chan_sccp issue.

Stefan Gofferje stefan at gofferje.homelinux.org
Sat Aug 13 11:53:26 MST 2005

Jason schrieb:
> Couple questions since I finally got chan_sccp to work.  1. Has anyone 
> successfully gotten it to work behind NAT, i called my isp and asked 
> them for 35 more ip's and they laughed at me + the cost of getting them 
> would far outdo the benifits. and 2. can someone show me a config with a 
> multi phone configuration

1.) No NAT... SCCP is NOT nat-capable. But it works fine with VPN. You 
anyway don't want to talk plain SCCP/RTP via the internet without 
encryption. Real-time splitting and copying a RTP-stream is really easy 

2.) Multi-phone sccp.conf or extensions.conf?

Here's a sccp.conf:

keepalive = 30                  ; IMPORTANT: 5secs. lead to trouble with
                                 ; 7960
context = internal
dateFormat = D.M.Y              ; M-D-Y in any order (5 chars max)
bindaddr =       ; asterisk box.
port = 2000                     ; listen on port 2000 (Skinny, default)
debug = 0

type        = 7905
description = Bedroom
tzoffset    = 0
autologin   = 6004
device => SEPxxxxxxxxxxxx

type        = 7960
description = Office
tzoffset    = 0
autologin   = 6000
speeddial   = 6001,6001,6001 at internal
speeddial   = 6004,6004,6004 at internal
device => SEPxxxxxxxxxxxx

type        = 7960
description = LivingRoom
tzoffset    = 0
autologin   = 6001
speeddial   = 6000,6000,6000 at internal
speeddial   = 6004,6004,6004 at internal
device => SEPxxxxxxxxxxxx

id            = 6000
pin           = 1234
label         = 6000
description   = Office
context       = client_int_unrestricted
callwaiting   = 1
incominglimit = 2
mailbox       = 1000
vmnum         = 8500
cid_name      = Office
cid_num       = 6000
line => 6000

id            = 6001
pin           = 1234
label         = 6001
description   = LivingRoom
context       = client_int_unrestricted
callwaiting   = 1
incominglimit = 2
mailbox       = 1000
vmnum         = 8500
cid_name      = Living Room
cis_num       = 6001
line => 6001

id            = 6004
pin           = 1234
label         = 6004
description   = Bedroom
context       = client_int_unrestricted
callwaiting   = 1
incominglimit = 2
mailbox       = 1000
vmnum         = 8500
cid_name      = Bedroom
cid_num       = 6004
line => 6004


  (o_   Stefan Gofferje            | SCLT
  //\   Reg'd Linux User #247167   | VCP #2263
  V_/_  Heckler & Koch - the original point and click interface

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