[Asterisk-Users] Very complicated dialplans?

Eric Wieling aka ManxPower eric at fnords.org
Sat Aug 6 10:58:07 MST 2005

Eric Wieling aka ManxPower wrote:
> Robert Goodyear wrote:
>>>>> Using 'r' flags makes baby Jesus cry.  Stop doing that.
>>>> Excuse me?
>>> r: Generate a ringing tone for the calling party, passing no audio  from
>>> the called channel(s) until one answers. Use with care and don't  insert
>>> this by default into all your dial statements as you are killing call
>>> progress information for the user. Really, you almost certainly do not
>>> want to use this. Asterisk will generate ring tones automatically  where
>>> it is appropriate to do so. "r" makes it go the next step and
>>> additionally generate ring tones where it is probably not  
>>> appropriate to
>>> do so.
>> Can you educate us all on the appropriate circumstances in which to  
>> use 'r'?
> When you want to override the normal call progress tones.
> For example, when a caller presses "0" in voicemail to be transfered to 
> the user's cell phone, the cell phone telco may play a message to the 
> caller WITHOUT ANSWERING the call.  One common message is something like 
> "The subscriber you have dialed is either out of the area or has their 
> phone turned off".  I don't want callers to hear that message and 
> hangup.  So in this one specific situation I use the "r" option to dial 
> so the caller hears a ringing tone no matter what the carrier sends 
> back.  Then the Dial timeout can expire and the caller can be sent back 
> to the user's mailbox (assuming the cell carrier didn't answer the call 
> and send it to the cell phones voicemail).

This example only works on PRI or VoIP -> PRI connections, BTW.

Eric Wieling * BTEL Consulting * 504-210-3699 x2120

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