[Asterisk-Users] Recommended Linux Dist. for Asterisk

John Novack jnovack at stromberg-carlson.org
Thu Apr 21 06:47:33 MST 2005

Andrew Latham wrote:

>they will all work, I use Mandriva, If you want something solid look at CentOS,
But, like all the later RH offshoots, there are problems with some 
hardware. One annoying little problem is Kudzu "killing"  a 3Com network 
card after installation. This problem has been around now for a couple 
of years, and it has yet to be fixed.
Same with Mandrake 10

> Debian is cool but the stable branch is out dated while the
>development branch is rather stable. SUSE could work but I don't like to pay for a distro right up front. I do suggest that you donate to the distro that you end up using along with asterisk. Feature request are so much easier to swallow when they are writen on a twenty dollar bill.
RH9 works very well, and if postings to this list are any indication, 
very trouble free.
I have a friend who is using RH8  also.
Neither of us has experienced any of the noise problems mentioned
If you have something working, LEAVE IT ALONE!
Really no need for "the latest and greatest" .
For me, Linux is simply a means to an end.

John Novack


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