[Asterisk-Users] Re: Problems trying to compile H323 from CVS-STABLE

Michael Manousos manousos at inaccessnetworks.com
Tue Apr 12 00:48:32 MST 2005

Tony Mountifield wrote:
> Yesterday I wrote:
>>I'm trying to compile channels/h323 and chan_h323 from CVS-STABLE, on
>>Fedora Core 3.
>>[... snip ...]
> Well I gave up with chan_h323, which is a pity, because it should be the
> solution that is better integrated with Asterisk. I would still like to
> hear from anybody that has any ideas (please see my original post).
> Instead, I downloaded asterisk-oh323-0.6.5 from InAccessNetworks, along
> with Janus-patch4 of PWlib ( and OpenH323 ( Following
> the instructions exactly, installation went smoothly, and worked first
> time.
> When testing the ability of dual 3GHz Xeons to handle many simultaneous
> OH323 calls (G.711 so no heavy transcoding), I discovered that chan_oh323
> is EXTREMELY profligate with file descriptors! Each open oh323 channel
> uses 21 fds, yes TWENTY-ONE!
> In order to handle upwards of 120 simultaneous calls I needed to increase
> the per-process file descriptor limit from the default of 1024, using
> the technique described at:
> http://www.xenoclast.org/doc/benchmark/HTTP-benchmarking-HOWTO/node7.html
> I then added "ulimit -n 8192" to /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk.
> It seems to be working ok now, but I'd still like to get chan_h323 working
> sometime, as I have a feeling it will be much less hungry for file
> descriptors!
> Comments, anyone?

We are working on pushing this number down.
Be patient!


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