[Asterisk-Users] OT: pinout for"standard"telephoneheadsetrequired.?

Nabeel Jafferali nabeel at jafferali.net
Thu Apr 7 14:00:48 MST 2005

Mike Dewey wrote:
>    I am very interested in what you came up with for a 2.5mm 
> to RJ-10 adapter.

Yes, I built a 2.5mm cellphone headset to Cisco 7960 RJ10 headset jack
adapter. If I follow the numbering system used on
http://www.mml.uni-hannover.de/einhorn/headset/index_e.html, this is how
it goes:

RJ10 -- 2.5mm
  1       3      speaker ground
  2       1      mic
  3       3      mic ground
  4       2      speaker

Hope this helps.


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