[Asterisk-Users] GSM phones, bluetooth and general happiness

Stefan de Konink skinkie at xs4all.nl
Tue Sep 28 16:51:23 MST 2004

Nate Carlson wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Sep 2004, Jay Milk wrote:
>> Who's up for the challenge?  If there's enough interest in the 
>> community, I'll be the first to add a bounty on this -- it would be 
>> worth at least $100 to me to have this functionality.
> Has anyone updated the bounty page with this yet?

At the moment I'm into the Bleuz mailing list for getting the SCO 
feature to work, starting with my laptops BT and my dads Nokia.

I have now a basic understanding from the RFCOMM layer which delivers 
the AT commands, AT works. If I get the basic SCO functions working with 
the test tools, to get the headsetfunction itself into the pc. The Nokia 
doesn't mind it seems to transfer SCO data according to hciconfig, but I 
can't verify it yet.

There is an other thing that worries my, the following feature:
In The Netherlands with a decent operator there is thing when two 
persons call you on your mobile you can actually switch the call. The 
phone makes strange beeps and that isn't what you want to happen in a 
connected situation. I need to investigate how to stop this behavior 
from happening.


Stefan de Konink

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