[Asterisk-Users] Arrgh, Broadvoice, SIP.conf

Marty Mastera mmastera at m3resources.com
Mon Sep 13 13:55:21 MST 2004

> I've tried setting up my sip.conf in two ways:
> ------------------------------------------------------
> register => [240xxxxxxx]:[my_password]@sip.broadvoice.com
> [Broadvoice]
> type=peer
> username=[240xxxxxxx]
> fromuser=[240xxxxxxx]
> secret=[my_password]
> host=sip.broadvoice.com
> context=incoming
> fromdomain=sip.broadvoice.com
> nat=no
> canreinvite=no
> dtmfmode=inband
> --------------------------------------------------
> This results in complaints from asterisk in the logs:
> Sep 13 15:14:16 NOTICE[1087249200]: Registration for 
> '[240xxxxxxx]@sip.broadvoice.com' timed out, trying again
> And at the CLI:
> -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host proxy.lax.broadvoice.com, port 5060
>     -- Got SIP response 404 "Not found" back from
> Sep 13 16:07:40 NOTICE[1087249200]: chan_sip.c:3922 sip_reg_timeout: 
> Registration for '[240xxxxxxx]@sip.broadvoice.com' timed out, 
> trying again
>     -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host 
> proxy.dca.broadvoice.com, port 5060
>     -- Got SIP response 404 "Not found" back from
> and a busy message when I attempt to dial into the box.
> If I move the "register" line down into the "[Broadvoice]" 
> section of the sip.conf file, the complaints in the logs and 
> at the CLI stop, but I still get the busy message when I try 
> to dial into the box:

The register line needs to be under the general section of
sip.conf...you may not get the same errors when you move it into the
broadvoice section, but that's b/c it's not processed and no
registration is ever attempted.  Check your formatting for the username
and password....there shouldn't be any brackets surrounding either (ie
the register line should look like: register =>
240XXXXXXX:my_password at sip.broadvoice.com and the same for those entries
in the broadvoice section). If you're sure you have the username and
password correct in your register statement, and you have SRV lookups
enabled in the general section and you're still getting registration
timeouts with "404 Not Found" I would think you need to call Broadvoice
and let them know about the "404" errors to make sure your account is
provisioned correctly.  Until you get the registration to work
succesfully, you should expect problems when dialing your BV number.


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