[Asterisk-Users] call progress - what are the sticking points?

Stephen David steve at davidnj.net
Wed Oct 27 19:27:20 MST 2004


I've been experimenting with the call progress analysis features of *, with mixed success on Zap as well as IAX channels.  I've read all the posts about it, including (but not limited to) http://www.voip-info.org/wiki-Asterisk+auto-dial+out and the pages it references.

My question is, what's the current state -- is there any work in progress right now to improve the reliability of * call progress detection?  last I saw it was still listed as 'experimental'.

What are the "problems" that are preventing a more robust implementation of call progress detection?   Would this work better with different hardware (ie. I've had success in the past using Dialogic telephony boards)?  Or is this primarily a software issue with *?

Thanks much!

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