[Asterisk-Users] Comparision of IAX2, FWD, iaxtel etc etc.

Jim Van Meggelen jim at vanmeggelen.ca
Mon Nov 29 16:21:18 MST 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: asterisk-users-bounces at lists.digium.com 
> [mailto:asterisk-users-bounces at lists.digium.com] On Behalf Of 
> Mike Dent
> Sent: November 29, 2004 4:03 PM
> To: Asterisk-Users at lists.digium.com
> Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Comparision of IAX2, FWD, iaxtel etc etc.
> Hi,
> I've been setting up * recently and slowly getting to grips 
> with it, however I'm getting rather confused with all the 
> different configs for IAX calls, FWD calls iaxtel etc etc. 
> What I think I need it a basic understanding or even a 
> comparison of these different voip systems (if thats what they are?)

IAX2 is a VoIP protocol created by Mark Spencer and released under the
GPL. It is an alternative to SIP, MGCP, H.323 and the like. To those
familiar with it, it is considered to be technically superior to all
other VoIP protocols, and is popularly expected to render all the others

FWD and IAXtel are free VoIP "phone companies", if you will, who use one
or more of the aforementioned protocols. Anyone can sign up for these
networks, get an ID number, give that number to their friends, and make
calls between each other. Similar to ICQ, MSN messenger and the like,
only focused on voice.

FWD is FreeWorldDialup.com, Jeff Pulver's free VoIP network. It
officially runs the SIP protocol, but there is experimental support for
the IAX2 protocol. Official IAX2 support is coming.

IAXtel.com is a similar service to FWD, but it is hosted by Digium and
officially its purpose is as follows: "The IAXtel network is primarily
used by Asterisk developers and hobbyists to test and use their systems
and study VoIP." Despite it's experimental status, IAXtel has over six
thousand registered users.

> I'd like to be able to make calls to other voip users, both 
> in the UK and abroad and also make calls out on to the UK and 
> US networks if possible.

Out of the services/protocols you've listed, FWD may be your best bet.
It's standards based (SIP), well supported, and an easily installable
client is available for Windows.

IAXtel is somewhat experimental, and is still somewhat Asterisk-centric.

There are also other companies offering these services, but they are not
free. Actually, if you want to hop off any VoIP network onto the PSTN,
you're going to pay for it somehow or another. DUNDi may change all that
(sorry for throwing a new term at you, but might as well get used to it
. . . ).

> I'd also like to receive calls via a voip number?

Naturally. Any of these services offer this kind of functionality.

> My * box is on my local LAN behind a nat router if that helps.

One of the reasons IAX2 is considered better than SIP is its ability to
pass through NATted firewalls without any special hacks. SIP is somewhat
more cumbersome in that regard. SIP is, however, the most widely
embraced VoIP protocol at this time. Again, many expect IAX2 to supplant
it, but that has not happend yet.

Too many choices, eh?



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