[Asterisk-Users] probleme with running lib_unicall with asterisk
alfdz16 at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 25 08:33:18 MST 2004
hi all,
this message is destinate to users who rub libunicall on asterisk succefuly
my first question is: what is the version of linux you use to make asterisk
run with the new libunicall? and what is the version of asterisk?
my problem is as follows:
with version FC3 I have success to run libunicall without problem, the
testcall run perfectly well. askterisk run without problem on the network.
I patch asterisk in this way:
patch - p1 < channels_makefile.patch
is it the good way to patch it?
after the patch, I complie asterisk without problem I configure the
unicall.conf as needs. compiling asterisk patched dont generate any error
but the files chan_unicall.c was not compiled!!! (no .so and .o files
generated) chan_unicall remain like ghost!!! I d'ont understand
anything!!!! please help me....
thank you
ps: I use asterisk/zaptel v1.0.0 , unicall-0.0.1d and fedoraC3
ps: when I use redhat3, i have another problem with the libtiff!!! and l
can't compile libunicall..
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