[Asterisk-Users] SIP Phones-Receptionist Setup

Leo Ann Boon leo at innovax.com.sg
Sun Nov 21 17:42:05 MST 2004

Gregory Junker wrote:

>> Is there an open source key system, comparable to *?
> If there isn't , I'd be happy to work on developing one. It is clear 
> that the need still exists for such a user interface paradigm.
Bayonne is supposed to act as a key system, at least that's what was 
described on the web page. IMHO, it's probably a lot cheaper to re-use 
the old key system in tandem with Asterisk. A while ago, there was a 
discussion on this list about the feasilbility of re-using Toshiba key 
phone handsets with Asterisk. As it is, Toshiba has a Dialogic-style PCI 
card to support 16 digital handsets. Unfortunately, the cost of the card 
is >US$2500 - much more than buying a brand new key phone.

It would be pretty cool, if someone can reverse engineer the protocol(s) 
used by popular key phone systems. I think it's possible to use HFC in 
NT mode to drive those handsets. IIRC, most digital phones work along 
the lines of ISDN phones.


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