[Asterisk-Users] SIP Phones-Receptionist Setup

Curren C. Calhoun asterisk at currencalhoun.com
Sat Nov 20 14:45:27 MST 2004

I am looking at placing a system in an office with a central receptionist,
and phones for each individual employee thereafter.  Could I use a Snom 220
with additional keypads to view if the lines are in use by the other

Fred is in sales... A call comes into the receptionist and they transfer the
call to Fred.  The receptionist can tell Fred is still on the phone by
viewing the assigned key on the Snom 220¹s keypad, so if another call comes
in they know he is on the phone instead of just blindly transferring the
call and pushing the person to his voicemail.  So they can ask the person
hold or if them want to be transferred into Fred¹s voicemail.

Any thoughts would be appreciated...  I am new to the list, so my apologies
if this has been addressed before.
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