[Asterisk-Users] ResponseTimeout problem

Josh Roberson twisted at indigent-networks.com
Sun Nov 14 21:39:08 MST 2004

Joseph wrote:

>>I'm assuming you have snipped the priorities 1 and 2.
>>exten => s,3,BackGround(welcome)
>>exten => s,4,ResponseTimeout,15
>>exten => t,1,Goto(1,1)
>>Set the maximum amount of time permitted after falling through a series 
>>of priorities for a channel in which the user may begin typing an 
>>extension. If the user does not type an extension in this amount of 
>>time, control will pass to the 't' extension if it exists, and if not, 
>>the call would be terminated.
>>If ResponseTimeout is not explicitly set in an extension, the default 
>>value of 15 seconds will be used.
>Thank you, it work!  So it needs to be pass to: exten => t,1,Goto(1,1)
>I got confused by the last sentence "...and if not, the call would be
This is correct.  However, if you wish to have it pause between 
priorities for an extension change, try using the application 
"WaitExten".  Here's a show application waitexten:

  -= Info about application 'WaitExten' =-

Waits for some time

  Wait([seconds]): Waits for the user to enter a new extension for the
specified number of seconds, then returns 0.  Seconds can be passed with
fractions of a seconds (eg: 1.5 = 1.5 seconds) or if unspecified the
default extension timeout will be used.

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