[Asterisk-Users] Sending SMS from ISDN to cellular

Elmar Haneke elmar at haneke.de
Wed Nov 10 15:02:14 MST 2004


how to configure * to send an SMS to an mobile phone (Germany, D2).

in extensions.conf I did insert:

	exten => _X.,1,SMS(default,,${EXTEN},${CALLERIDNAME})
	exten => _X.,2,SMS(default)
	exten => _X.,3,Hangup

In the outgoing directory I do playe an call-file:

	Channel: CAPI/[MYMSN]:0106301722270333
	Extension: [TARGET-PHONE-NO]
	CallerID: Test Test Test
	MaxRetries: 1
	RetryTime: 60
	WaitTime: 30
	Context: smsdial
	Priority: 1

where [MYMSN] us the number to be used for dialout and 
[TARGET-PHONE-NO] is the number of the cellular to send the message to.

But, this configuration does not send any SMS out.

Can you give ma an working example how to configure?


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