[Asterisk-Users] Zaptel makefile error/bug?

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Tue Nov 9 07:56:12 MST 2004

Sometime in the last 30 days or so it appears the drivers for the 
tdm04b (4-port fxo card) had a name change from wcfxs to tctdm.
When installing * from scratch (via cvs head), executing a 'make config'
installs the zaptel startup scripts to initiate the appropriate drivers.

However, the current zaptel install does not address the wctdm and
as a result, a reboot of the system does not modprobe that driver.
This is with the current cvs head as of yesterday (Nov 8th).

Manually executing a 'modprobe wctdm' causes the tdm04b card to function

Is this a bug or am I doing something very wrong?


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