[Asterisk-Users] Unable to get our IP address, Skinny disabled

Gunnar Þ. Gestsson gunnar at element.is
Tue Nov 2 02:49:39 MST 2004

I have just installed Asterisk on my HP DL140 Fedora Core 1 Server.  The server has two interface cards active.  I have been unable to fix this error although all DNS lookup works fine.
my /etc/host.conf contains
order bind,hosts
/etc/hosts contains
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.               localhost.localdomain localhost           asterisk1 asterisk1.fjolnet.is asterisk1.simar.fjolnet.net

Asterisk also registers the loopback address in my Gatekeeper but not the interface used to access the Gatekeeper.
Has anyone a solution for me?
Gunnar Gestsson

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