[Asterisk-Users] two-stage dialing

albor at ipeya.com albor at ipeya.com
Sun Mar 28 12:07:13 MST 2004

I am trying implement two-stage dialing. 

Scenario is following: 

1. * Dials SIP agent
2. SIP agent answer the phone and provide dial tone
3. * Sends DTMF string
4. "Bridge" channel with calling party 

I thought that something like:
exten => _2XX,2,Dial_but_not_connect_(SIP/BYEXTENSION,10)
exten => _2XX,3,Wait,1
exten => _2XX,4,SendDTMF($DTMF_DIGITS) 

Should do it. 

Thank you,
Alex Fedorov 

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