[Asterisk-Users] Can i do voice chat without using the hardware

Girish Gopinath gopinath_girish at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 19 00:13:24 MST 2004


>From: suresh kumar <idcsureshp at yahoo.com>
>Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Can i do voice chat without  using  the hardware

>Without using any of Digium's hardware or T1 or E1
>, can i do voice chat between two computers
>If possible, How can i do that? (Any configuaration
>setting is required?)

You can use Asterisk's SIP channels for this. You need to have IP 
phones/Softphones that register with Asterisk. If you are using windows you 
can freely download and install evaluation versions of SJphone or Xlite.

For configurations, see the 'User Contributed Links' section of 

There are plenty of documents available to help you...

Good luck, Girish

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