[Asterisk-Users] Re: Re: 7960 straight through?

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Fri Jun 18 16:10:20 MST 2004

>     [in-206-cisco]
>     exten => s,1,Answer
>     exten => s,2,DigitTimeout,5
>     exten => s,3,ResponseTimeout,10
>     exten => s,4,PlayTones(dial)
>     exten => s,5,SetVar(areacode=206)
>     exten => _001,1,SetVar(mailbox=001)
>     exten => _001,2,Macro(fwd-call,${EXTEN})
>     exten => _002,1,SetVar(mailbox=002)
>     exten => _002,2,Macro(fwd-call,${EXTEN})
> What's the point of the 's' extension here?

i really only need the SetVar()

> Unless Asterisk does something weird with it that I haven't seen before,
> then you'll only get 's' in this context if you get the cisco to dial
> without specifying a number.

oops!  then how do i get a per-incoming-context SetVar?


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