[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk-Users List Etiquette

twisted twisted at indigent-networks.com
Mon Jun 14 20:03:42 MST 2004

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears!

Or, in this case, your eyes.

It has become a problem I've noticed over and over again, that we tend
to think the mailing list is some sort of forum, used to post whatever
your hearts desire.  This list, not unlike any other mailing list, has
a purpose.  A focus if you will.  Hopefully this 'document' will point
out some key things we need to change to help this list remain friendly
and helpful, not to mention, a vital asset to the Asterisk community.

And now, for the Asterisk-Users dial plan:


Exten => s,1, Posts to the Asterisk-Users list should be concise, and
	      on-topic.  Remember, the topic is ASTERISK, not "Provider 	     
X doesn't answer email", or "Provider Y doesn't have rates 	      listed
on their website."  Gripes of this nature, and 	      discussion of
businesses relating to Asterisk should   	      be handled on the
Asterisk-Biz list, or in the case of 	      customer service, with the
person/provider in question.

Exten => s,2, Everyone was new at some point.  Let's try to keep our
	      cool with new members of the asterisk community.  While 	     
yes, there needs to be some research done before asking 	     
questions, Let's point them in the right direction, and do 	      so
politely.  A general rule of thumb to use is to reply 	      to 'newbie'
questions as if the person asking the question 	      was a guest in
your home.

Exten => s,3, Since there are lot of users who deal with the community
	      from the workplace, let's watch our language on the list.  	     
Not to be a sort of cyber-nanny, but most workplace ethics 	      frown
deeply on vulgarity in *ANY* form.  

Exten => s,4, Keep flames, criticism, and cruelty to yourself.  If you
	      don't like the way a question has been answered, simply 	     
post an alternative method.  No need to degrade someone or 	      their
methods simply because you do not agree.

Exten => s,5, If you have found a bug, feel free to discuss it here to
	      confirm the issue, but remember, if you want action, you 	     
will need to post it to the bug tracker at 	    	     
http://bugs.digium.com, and be available for further 	      testing if
necessary.  Also, to keep non-bugs out of 
              the tracker, try to find someone on #asterisk-bugs on IRC
	      before posting the bug to confirm it.

Exten => s,6, If you find something useful to the community, and it
	      directly relates to Asterisk, share it!  Feel free to post 	     
here or on the Wiki 		              

Exten => s,7, Not everyone will abide by the etiquette, and there's
	      nothing we can do about that; But to avoid a flare-up, try 	     
not to take it personally, or better yet, simply don't 	      respond to

Exten => s,8,Goto(Etiquette,s,1)

If we can all agree on this, this list will continue to be a useful tool
for the community. 

Please note - this was not specific to anyone, nor should it be taken
personally by anyone.  This is just a guideline to keeping the peace,
and increase our productivity as a community.  

**** Remember: We are a COMMUNITY. **** 

Thank you for your time, and please, if you must flame me for this, do
it off-list.

with our deepest love,
twisted & bkw

Exten => h,1,HangUp()

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