[Asterisk-Users] Simplified Voicemail app / keeping peace with cohabitants

Olle E. Johansson oej at edvina.net
Fri Jun 11 12:02:01 MST 2004

Doug Kennedy wrote:

> Hello,
> I have modified the VoiceMailMain application to satisfy the request of 
> the "local users", i.e., my wife.  She lost patience with too many 
> options (we have one mailbox, so we don't need to forward messages, or 
> reply to messages, or file them in 6 different folders...)  So the 
> modified app  says "Message 1", reads the message, "Message 2", reads... 
> "Last Message", reads the message, says "Goodbye."  If you call again 
> you get the Old message folder instead of the New message folder.  The 
> only special feature is pressing the 6 button skips to the next 
> message.  You want to go back?  Hang up and call voicemail again. It's 
> far too worthless to include in the CVS but if it would help you out, I 
> can mail you a copy.
Can't find app "simplevoicemail" on the bug tracker... DId you add it
and disclaim it?

/O ;-)

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