[Asterisk-Users] Grandstream Ringtones on a per phone basis

Stephen R. Besch sbesch at acsu.buffalo.edu
Thu Jun 10 15:46:00 MST 2004

I have just successfully got the TFTP file remapping to work such that I 
can have unique ringtone files for each and every extension. I added the 
following to my server_args line in the xinetd configuration for TFTP:

-m /home/asterisk/grandstream/ringmap.cfg

Now the entire line reads:

server_args = -v -s /home/asterisk/grandstream -u asterisk -m

(There is no line break in the actual file!). When debugging, you can 
use more "v"'s in the verbosity option.  Then, in the TFTP root, I add 
the file "ringmap.cfg", with access rights set to 660 (so that the TFTP 
server won't serve the file up). That file contains the following line:

ri ring(.)\.bin ring\1_\i

This tells TFTP to replace any file requests that look like "ringx.bin" 
with ringx_yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy, where yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy is the phone's IP 
address. So, for example, if requests ring1.bin, TFTP 
will get ring1_192.168.10.100 and serve it up as ring1.bin, effectively 
lying to the phone. Then you only have to generate your ring files and 
place them in the TFTP root folder with access rights 664.  Works like a 

Stephen R. Besch

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