[Asterisk-Users] queue_log question: which endpoint was connected?

Michael Manousos manousos at inaccessnetworks.com
Fri Jul 30 09:35:13 MST 2004

lenz wrote:
> Hello list,
> as I'm writing a little perl parser for queue_log analysis, I'd like to  
> know *which* telephone answered a specific queue call. Unfortunately  
> app_queue only logs the call id but does not log the call end point. 
> This  is okay for SIP endpoints, because their call id is something 
> like  SIP/endpointname-1234 so you can reasonably understand who was on  
> answering, but for OH323 I get ID's like OH323/LJ5645 that are meaningless.
> Is there a way to extract from some other log the fact that OH323/LJ234  
> was a call placed to - say - OH323/345 at or can I extract it 
> from  some field of the peer data structure queue_log seems to extract 
> data  from? (to obtain call id, they gust print peer->name)

The IP of the connected endpoint can be obtained from the OH323_RADDR
variable. For incoming H.323 calls you can get the name of the channel
and the IP address inside the dialplan, write them to a file and process
them later. For outgoing H.323 calls [Dial(OH323/...)], you can't do it
from the dialplan. In that case the OH323_RADDR variable is accessible
only through the Dial() app.

Anyway, it seems that the name of the OH323 channels needs to be more
useful (added to my TODO list).

> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> l.


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