[Asterisk-Users] Has anyone tried using a Sipura-3000 as an FXO device for *?

Greg Broiles gbroiles at gmail.com
Tue Jul 27 23:34:56 MST 2004

I have a Sipura-3000 and am hoping to use it to provide FXS/FXO ports
for my Asterisk box. I don't have it working well yet but I blame that
on my inexperience with Asterisk. Some configuration examples are
available at <http://voxilla.com/forum-viewtopic-t-557-sid-97ab81ff1df626865dd84ab79b4cd7d8.html>
or <http://tinyurl.com/5nwum>.

Greg Broiles, JD, EA
gbroiles at gmail.com (Lists only. Not for confidential communications.)
Law Office of Gregory A. Broiles
San Jose, CA

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