[Asterisk-Users] CID, international style?

Martin List-Petersen martin+asterisk at list-petersen.net
Tue Jul 20 04:48:09 MST 2004

On Mon, 2004-07-19 at 02:13, Steve Murphy wrote:
> I'm thinking of doing an app to work with the CID that's gotten from 
> the Zap channel.
> All the CID's I see from within the US are 10 digit numbers.
> I'm out in the rural areas of the US, and no-one ever calls me from
> overseas.
> If they did, what would the CID look like?
> What does the CallerID look like overseas? How many countries provide
> it?

CID is esentially part of any digital subscriber line anywhere in the world, so everybody uses it.
On PSTN there are 3 (maybe more) standards: the way it's done in the US, UK and 
Sweden (which also is used in Denmark and the Netherlands). Asia might use something different again, or not.

International calls CID look depends on the Telco you are connected to. If you are on PSTN, usually
they would add the "00" or in the U.S. the "011" in front of the international dialcode and then let the number follow.

On digital subscriber lines (at least the DSS1 specs), you will get the number without prefix and the information, what dialplan
it belongs to (international, national, local, unscreened, etc.)

The number itself depends on the dialplan used in that country (Ireland: variable, but national prefix + subscriber no. allways 6 digits,
not counted the "0" in front, Denmark: fixed 8 digits, Norway: fixed 8 digits, Sweden: variable, Germany: variable)

So all in all, your CID can have any length, depending on the countries dialplan, where somebody would be calling you from.

Kind regards,
Martin List-Petersen

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