[Asterisk-Users] is srv lookup being done when REGISTERing?

Senad Jordanovic senad at boltblue.com
Tue Jul 6 01:36:21 MST 2004

Jasminko Mulahusic wrote:
> it looks (to me) like asterisk is not doing an SRV lookup when
> REGISTERing with another sip proxy. is that correct? 
> what i am trying to achieve is to register jasko at telia.net with a
> proxy using 
> register => jasko:secret:dilbert at telia.net
> my problem is that asterisk is doing a simple A RR lookup for the
> domain telia.net which is pointing to a host that is NOT the proxy
> for that domain (resulting in the REGISTER message ending up with the
> wrong host).   
> if an SRV lookup had been done instead, the REGISTER message would
> have be sent to the right host. [i cannot change telia.net in the
> above line as that messes up the authentication instead. and i do not
> have control over the dns for the domain in question].   
> is there any other way to force the REGISTER message through a
> certain proxy/host? 
> am i missing something?
> jasko

This issued has been discussed few weeks ago into great depth. 
Look into May/June 04 archive!


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