[Asterisk-Users] Re: Compiling while * is running

Stephen R. Besch sbesch at acsu.buffalo.edu
Fri Jan 30 13:33:41 MST 2004

Rob Fugina wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 12:21:49PM -0500, Stephen R. Besch wrote:
>>I just fetched today's cvs (1/30/04 11:10:31). Compiles/installs on my 
>>test  machine (ASUS A7V, 900 MHZ). However, If I try to compile on my 
>>production machine (Elite K7S5A, 2.4GHz, 512MB) while * is running the 
>>zaptel and asterisk compiles seg fault. I am assuming that they will 
>>compile correctly if I bring down * and rmmod the zaptel driver. 0.7.1 
>>compiled and is now running.
>>Is there a way to safely compile while * is running, so that I can 
>>minimize down time of the server?
> Seg faulting compiles usually indicate a memory problem on the machine.
> Not lack of size, but bad memory, badly seated memory, etc...  There's
> no reason asterisk running, or the drivers being loaded, should
> cause a compile to seg fault.
Yes, that's what I had thought also, providing that you add in paging 
file errors. And yet the machine in question is, and has been, running * 
flawlessly for over a month now - and continues to do so during and 
after the compile.  Nevertheless, Steven Critchfield's comment about GCC 
unmasking marginal memory is interesting, and in all probability 
correct. I have since noticed that if I continue to retype make, that 
the compile will frequently bomb at a later point in the compile. My 
next task is to track down the memory problem.

> On the other hand, the load of a compile could affect asterisk's
> performance...

True, but not really relevant in this case.
> Rob

Stephen R. Besch

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