[Asterisk-Users] Sipura 2000 Transmit Issues? No Sound being passed to caller

Miguel Cavazos miguel at cavazos.com.mx
Sun Jan 25 09:55:16 MST 2004

same here, when i recive an incoming call from x100p to line 1 on
sipura, i can hear them but people can't hear me im using 1.0.24 on my

On Sun, 2004-01-25 at 20:54, Chris Higgins wrote:
> Frankie Gravato wrote:
> > 
> > I've  been  beating  my head for 5 hours to figure out why my asterisk
> > server or sipura isn't passing my voice over to the caller. It seems i
> > can  hear  the  caller  but  they  can't  hear  me it seems either the
> > asterisk or the sipura isn't passing this information.
> > 
> > Here's my setup specs
> > 
> > asterisk  server  0.7.1  - X100P Card - Sipura 2000 - Nufone Service -
> > Voicepulse Service and DID's
> > 
> > when  i  get  Phone call using the Voicepulse or Pstn the caller can't
> > hear  me  or  barely  hear me. The Sipura is running Firmware 1.20 and
> > calls  are  being  passed  using  Ulaw  Codec? Anyone out there in the
> > asterisk community please oh please help me before i do something that
> > my asterisk server won't like.
> > 
> > 
> I just received my Sipura on Friday and have been testing it extensively 
> over the weekend.  I have noticed an issue similar to what you mention 
> above.  For the record, the sipura tells me I'm running software version 
> 1.0.20.  Also, there is NO nat configuration that is causing my problem.
> When I receive a call over my X100P and dial my 3 SIP phones (one gs 
> budgetone 100, two analong phones through sipura), if I answer the 
> analong phone connected to line 1 of the sipura, the caller cannot hear 
> anything.  I've only noticed this problem in this exact scenario.  The 
> other situations listed below have no problems whatsoever and audio 
> works in both directions:
> 1. Call from sipura line 1 to any internal SIP phone.
> 1. Call from any internal SIP phone to sipura line 1.
> 2. Call from sipura line 1 out through X100P.
> 3. Call into my X100P from outside and answer sipura line 2.
> 4. Call into my X100P from outside and answer sipura line 2 and THEN 
> transfer to sipura line 1.
> 5. Call into my X100P from outside and answer sipura line 1 (the caller 
> cannot hear audio for this leg of the conversation), TRANSFER to any 
> other line, and transfer back to sipura line 1.  After the second 
> transfer, the caller can hear audio from sipura line 1.
> I don't know what is special about line 1.  I've switched my analog 
> phones across the two ports on the sipura to make sure it wasn't one of 
> my phones (not that I thought it was anyway).
> Frankie, have you tried the same experiment, but pulled your analog 
> phone from line 1 and put it in line 2?
> Has anyone else seen issues like this with line 1 on a sipura?
> Thanks..
> -- Chris
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