[Asterisk-Users] Grandstream 100 sidetone

dkwok dkwok at iware.com.au
Sat Jan 24 00:30:05 MST 2004

For people who are using GS 101, what do you think the sidetone 
generated by the phone.

I find mind a bit annoying. It has a delay and you notice it as an echo. 
The volume of the sidetone is also quite hight. I am distracted when 
both caller and called party talking over each other occasssionally.

The volume of the sidetone can be turned down using the volume button 
but it also control the volume of the voice call. As the sidetone is 
louder than the conversation it is getting rather distracting.

Can the sidetone be calibrated or adjusted? If not, how are people 
coupling with it?

David Kwok

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