[Asterisk-Users] ADSI phone vs. IP phone

C. Maj cmaj at freedomcorpse.info
Sun Jan 18 09:13:09 MST 2004

On Sun, 18 Jan 2004, Ulexus waxed:

> On Sunday, 18 January, 2004 02:04, Ken Alker wrote:
> > Assuming the price of an ADSI screen phone (say, Aastra 390) was the same
> > as an IP screen phone (say, Cisco 7960) and someone was setting up an *
> > server for their 20 employees (each of whom would have either an ADSI or IP
> > phone on their desk), would there be advantages to using the ADSI phones
> > over the IP phones, or vice-versa?  For discussion, let's assume that the
> > hardware needed to patch the ADSI phones back into * was not a cost
> > concern.  I'm looking for differences between the technologies independent
> > of cost.
> >
> Pretty much no.   The ADSI specification was crippled from the start to 
> specificly not compete with PBX offerings.   It has one advantage of (very 
> limited) programmability, but a phone like the SNOM has an open-source core.  
> It also has the dubious value of being interchangeable with a regular analog 
> phone, but that is about it.
> You will not get anything near the functionality and feature set of a SIP 
> phone, and it has the further irritation that much of its signalling is both 
> in-band and audible.

I completely second that.  My original thought was to use
ADSI for enhanced caller id information -- like an address
or whatever from my own database.  But the data/voice
context switch takes 5-7 seconds, and it's loud and
annoying.  Best use would be a one-way setup, where you are
simply dialing into your voicemail, checking your bank
account, etc.

I have yet to get my hands on an IP phone, so I can't

> It is too bad.  If it were properly implemented, the concept behind ADSI is 
> great.  Unfortunately, Telcordia strikes again.

Yeah, it seems like ADSI was way ahead of its time, but they
played it like a monopoly before it was big enough to do so.



Chris Maj <cmaj_hat_freedomcorpse_hot_info>
Pronunciation Guide:  Maj == May
Fingerprint: 43D6 799C F6CF F920 6623  DC85 C8A3 CFFE F0DE C146

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