[Asterisk-Users] Caller id and callback

Tilghman Lesher tilghman at mail.jeffandtilghman.com
Fri Jan 16 21:59:47 MST 2004

On Friday 16 January 2004 18:06, Sean Garland wrote:
> Is there a way to append a 91 in front of all incoming caller id
> numbers?  What I am interested in is this - when a call comes in and
> the caller ID comes across, it is in the format 9165551212.  That
> would be fine, but if I want to call them right back, and I choose
> that call and 'dial' on my phone, it fails because it hasn't dialed a
> 9 first.  I assume also that if there was a 9, it would still fail
> because SBC hasn't figured out how to automatically add the 1 (like
> my cell phone does).

*CLI> show application setcidnum
  -= Info about application 'SetCIDNum' =-

Set CallerID Number

  SetCIDNum(cnum[|a]): Set Caller*ID Number on a call to a new
value, while preserving the original Caller*ID name.  This is
useful for providing additional information to the called
party. Sets ANI as well if a flag is used.  Always returns 0

Usage:  SetCIDNum(91${CALLERIDNUM})


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