[Asterisk-Users] Re: 911 and lawsuits

Cees de Groot cg at tric.nl
Wed Jan 7 02:47:33 MST 2004

Jim Flagg <asterisk-users at lists.digium.com> said:
>Agreed,  Guess I should have said "traditional computer".  Most PBXs would
>only use a hard drive for voice mail.  A hard drive failure would not cause the
>PBX to stop working.
You can stash Asterisk+Linux on a 64Mb flash. Next question please?

(and in fact, I think you should do that for a production install)

>Most business would have lots of cell phones around but in many metal building
>they do not work.  They also don't provide the address information that a
>land line phone provides.

Dunnow how it works in the Netherlands. Most offices have digital lines
here, so cut-over on power loss to a cheapo phone won't work. As
probably everyone over 13 years old has a cellphone here, I can imagine
that nowadays lots of 112 calls are done by cellphone.

Cees de Groot               http://www.tric.nl     <cg at tric.nl>
tric, the new way           helpdesk/ticketing software, VoIP/CTI, 
                            web applications, custom development

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