[Asterisk-Users] using built-in extension numbers on the ZAP channel

Walt Reed asterisk at linuxguy.com
Fri Dec 10 11:30:24 MST 2004

On Sat, Dec 11, 2004 at 12:05:02AM +0600, Samudra E. Haque said:
> hello, using a legacy PBX to access a Asterisk Zap channel (Legacy PBX
> FXS --> FXO application Asterisk/TDM400P) I want to be able to "flash" the
> asterisk pbx. However by pressing the FLASH button on the extension
> connected to the Legacy PBX gets me the flash features on the Legacy PBX,
> not on the Asterisk PBX side. I thought of using the following codes (listed
> below) from
> http://www.voip-info.org/wiki-Asterisk+zap+channels
> but, when i dialled from the extension (legacy pbx) --> extension of
> Asterisk pbx -> zaptel/zap channel -> IVR, and pressed "*0", it was invalid
> extension. How can I pass on a 'flash' key / command so that I can flash the
> remote side instead of the local side ?

*0 will send a flash from a * FXS through to an FXO:

Phone presses *0 -> FXS on * -> * -> flash FXO -> PSTN receives flash

This is not what you want / need.

You need to configure your legacy PBX to send a flash through from your
legacy phone to the legacy FXS port that is hooked to a * FXO port. This
is not something you can do from the * side.

*0 is asterisk's way of doing this. You need to find out if your legacy
PBX has a similar method. It may not be possible. Of course you failed
to mention what kind of PBX you have, so nobody can possibly advise you
further, and at that point it's off-topic.

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