[Asterisk-Users] gsm codec, very poor quality.

Andrei (MPI) asterisk at markovprocesses.com
Tue Dec 7 15:32:16 MST 2004

Jon Radon wrote:

>Sorry this doesn't answer your question.  Any reason to not leave them as wav's?
>On Tue, 7 Dec 2004 10:42:58 +0100, Matthew Oulton
><moulton at comcentrixs.com> wrote:
>>Currently I am creating .wav files and then converting them via SOX to .au
>>file format, then running them through a gsm codec convertor which all works
>>fine except that it sounds like the recording was made with a sock in my
>>mouth !!
>>Could someone in * land help me to get a good sound quality with gsm format.
>>Thanks in advance.
I am using wav format for prompts. I see no reason to use gsm or 
anything else, if disk space is not a problem.
The same as using ulaw if bandwidth is not a problem.


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