[Asterisk-Users] Re: I need very fast quick info how to setup ISDN card

Corvin corvin.dun at wp.pl
Tue Dec 7 13:31:27 MST 2004

Dnia poniedziałek, 6 grudnia 2004 23:09, Stefan Tichy napisał:

I've run it on i4l.

> >
> > Thanks again for any help I'm Asterisk newbie.
> There is a Linux 2.6 and mISDN HowTo:
> http://rcum.uni-mb.si/~uvp00845b/

I can't compile chan_misdn
I've compiled chan_capi - but I can't force it to work.

> In this text the avmfritz module is used. In case of one hfc card it
> should be:
> modprobe hfcpci protocol=0x2 layermask=0x1f

thanks :)

> If you want to use chan_capi, it has to be TE mode. NT mode is not
> possible.

> Hfc based ISDN cards will generate lots of interrupts. Interrupt
> sharing will cause problems.
> A solution would be to use a quadBRI card instead of the 4 HFC cards
> and bristuff instead of misdn/chan_capi.

Thank you again, but what to do if it's imposible?

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