[Asterisk-Users] two questions

Christopher L. Wade clwade at sparco.com
Tue Dec 7 10:08:06 MST 2004

Michael Vogel wrote:
> Christopher L. Wade schrieb:
>> Because Digium is selling support plus the modem, not just the modem.
> But when you don't need the support?
> Bye!
> Michael

Exactly.  Choose the level of support you want from Digium and/or the 
list.  Historically, Digium equipment gets support from both Digium and 
the list, non-Digium equipment only gets support from the list, and only 
when a valid reason for not using Digium exists.

Please understand that Digium (Mark) is the reason * exists.  Selling a 
$10 winmodem for $80 is the reason Digium exists.  Digium's existence is 
the reason Mark can eat while he's coding for *.  Mark being able to 
code * while he eats is the reason * is such a great project.  Way to go 
Mark, et. al. (even the ones who don't get paid to eat while coding :)

My $0.50.


Christopher L. Wade                     Unistar-Sparco Computers, Inc.
Senior Systems Administrator                            dba Sparco.com
Email: clwade at sparco.com                             7089 Ryburn Drive
Phone: (901) 872 2272 / (800) 840 8400            Millington, TN 38053
Fax:   (901) 872 8482                                              USA

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