[Asterisk-Users] How record conversation to sound file ?

Radek Terber lst.ara at post.cz
Tue Aug 31 02:01:59 MST 2004

Martin Holler napsal(a):

>"lst.ara" <lst.ara at post.cz> writes:
>>For our helpdesk application, we need record full conversation between
>>any caller and one or two helpdek numbers (while the conversation is
>>running). After conversation is ended (hangup ..), the recorded file
>>(WAW) is putted into database. Using AGI, record and put to database
>>is OK, but only as exclusive task. But I need record  WAW file "in
>>background" the standard conversation.
>>Is any vay to do it with Asterisk ?
>did you try the Asterisk commands "Record" or "Monitor"?
Thank you. 
The Monitor command is what I need. It is new feature and I Did not know it.

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