[Asterisk-Users] Avaya dialing problems

Aaron Johnson ajohnson01 at cox.net
Wed Aug 25 10:42:20 MST 2004

Currently I am having 2 issues with my Avaya 4602 phone:

First, the phone registers with my Asterisk server, but when I start 
dialing I get a busy signal after 4 digits.  I specified in the dialplan 
on the phone to expect 10 digits and that solved that problem, but I 
still immediately get a busy after the 10th digit.  The phone never 
sends a dial command to asterisk.

Second, asterisk is complaining every few seconds with the message "Got 
SIP response 481 "Call Does Not Exist" back from <insert IP address of 
phone>.  I don't know if it is related and I am completely stumped.



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