[Asterisk-Users] Dell PowerEdge 750 rackmount

Steven Critchfield critch at basesys.com
Tue Aug 24 10:02:01 MST 2004

On Mon, 2004-08-23 at 19:25, Scott Stingel wrote:
> Hi-
> I have an upcoming order for a bunch of asterisk boxes, and I'm considering
> using an "assembled" package for the server, instead of building them from
> components as I usually do.

Nothing against your ability, but buying a 1u server is much better than
building it as there is a lot of cooling problems to overcome.

> Does anyone have experience with the Dell PowerEdge 750 server, or any other
> 1U rackmount server for use with asterisk?

I have a SuperMicro 1u server as our primary asterisk box. It has been
running great for over a year with a T400P card in it. We have a dell 1u
server that we have put a TE410P card in and it doesn't seem to have

The big thing to look into is what PCI busses the machine supports. We
where very surprised with our Dell when it came with a PCIX slot and a
66mhz 64bit slot. The included ethernet card wasn't directly supported
by our install disks and we couldn't install a cheap card to get the
install bootstrapped due to the incompatible slots. So after building a
special boot disk, all was better except the T100P card I owned wouldn't
work in it again due to slot incompatibility. That prompted our TE410P
card purchase.

Only trouble we have currently is the TE410P card doesn't like to keep
an idle PRI up to the T400P card for very long before it stops using the
D channel properly. It is very unlikely that the machine causes that

Steven Critchfield <critch at basesys.com>

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