[Asterisk-Users] Blind Call Transfer using Sipura 3000 + asterisk

Dameon D. Welch-Abernathy dwelch at phoneboy.com
Thu Aug 12 12:06:50 MST 2004

On Wed, 2004-08-11 at 12:00, Karun Chemudugunta wrote:

>    I am using Sipura 3000 to receive PSTN calls and forward those calls to
> asterisk for voice processing and after that, I am transferring call to
> extension through FXS port on SPA 3000. 
> Currently, media of call is trombone through asterisk. i.e achieving blind
> transfers on asterisk with SPA 3000.
> Is it possible to stop trombone and send back media path on Sipura FXO to
> FXS.

Basically you want to eliminate the back and forth traffic between the
Asterisk server, right? That'd be nice. :)

-- PhoneBoy

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