[Asterisk-Users] re: webvmail

Barry Flanagan barryf-lists at flanagan.ie
Wed Apr 21 11:11:30 MST 2004

On Wed, 2004-04-21 at 18:40, CW_ASN wrote:
> No, you don't need to change permissions. Check in your voicemail.conf the
> user & password for accounts.
> I don't know how vmail.cgi works with multiple contexts, or if you have
> mysql/pgsql support with app_voicemail.

You need to log in with mailbox at context

i.e. 8001 at sip or whatever.

You could edit vmail.cgi to change the default context. Look for the

if (!$context) {
        $context = "default";

and change "default" to the default context you want it to be.


-Barry Flanagan

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