[Asterisk-Users] Snom 200 Admin Password

Pertti Pikkarainen ppik at lanwan.fi
Sat Apr 17 07:32:10 MST 2004

There is a way.
Right after reboot, and when you see the first text,  hit any key
and you will get a 'boot menu'.  Give the phone an ip-address and define 
a tftp-server.
The bootfile must be named snom200.bin ( e.g rename the latest snom sw ).

After you have succesfully got it to download the code,
the phone is also resetted to factory defaults.   You will see erasing 
flash etc.
If the download fails the phone will use the sw it has got and there 
will be no change
in the config either.


Chris Orme wrote:

>Did you buy the phone or get it second hand ?   If second hand do you have
>any paperwork from the person you bought it from and did they buy it
>through official distribution?
>If you got it through distribution I would am fairly sure your vendor
>might be able to help ?
>I have a rough idea of how it would be possible but I would think you'll
>probably have to prove ownership as this password is how carriers lock
>their phones.  If you got it from a carrier I imagine you might possibly
>have to pay them an unlock charge so you can change carriers.
>Or did you accidently set the admin password?
>On Sat, 17 Apr 2004, WipeOut wrote:
>>I have a Snom 200 that has had admin mode switched off and I have no 
>>idea when the admin password has been set to.. Does anyone know of a way 
>>to reset the phone to factory defaults??
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