[Asterisk-Users] Siemens EWSD 13

Marcin Kuzmicki martin at agilecall.com
Wed Apr 7 08:59:16 MST 2004

If you didnt do it yet I'd suggest you start with simpliest thing which is
making loop on the cables. And testing the status. Simple RJ45 plug with
10cm of 2 pairs of cable crimped by 1,2 on 4,5. 
When you make loop T410P goes green. EWSD also will see a loop.
Check cables and loops and when you are sure that if you do loop just before
EWSD T410P goes green and when you do loop just bofore T410P the EWSD see it.
Then plug it directly and use "zttool" to make software loopback on T410P 
which EWSD should be capable to see.
Then if its ok run ztcfg -vvv check if modules are loaded and then run asterisk
and read debug messages. Try to run "pri debug span x" to see if there 
is any info or even intense debug.

But I'd bet on the cables.

 and chcking both sides of the cable 

> Anyone got any further ideas ?
> Any info or help greatly appreciated!

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