[Asterisk-Users] Very bad echo (appears that...)

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Tue Sep 23 19:27:48 MST 2003


> I must have misread in the documentation that gains could be specified as % 
> or as fractional... i.e. 1.00 or 100.  No warnings from anything for 
> setting them to 100.  :-)

I've seen others mention 100%, etc, however the current sample config's
still show rxgain=0.0, etc, as though these were roughly dB levels. Does
the code actually use either format?  (I've also seen references to using
a % setting.)
> So now can someone come clean with me here -- are those X100P cards just 
> some OEM winmodem?   What's up with the telephone jack in addition to the 
> line jack?

Don't know that makes any real difference (and I'm sure you've read the 
many recent postings related to the subject). It's fairly easy to judge
for yourself by looking closely at the cards... no manufacturer name,
no copyright or legal stuff, or anything else on the printed circuit board,
etc. If a US company were to design & manufacturer such boards, you'd see
their name on it somewhere (that's just the nature of US companies).
As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, take the covers off your Cisco,
3Com, Nortel, or whatever ethernet switches and you'll find some other
company's name etched on many of the boards, etc. No big deal, its
marketing smoke and mirrors. :)

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