[Asterisk-Users] error message playing .mp3

Adams, Gavin gadams at promisant.com
Tue Sep 23 07:02:53 MST 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steven Critchfield [mailto:critch at basesys.com]
> On Tue, 2003-09-23 at 07:31, listas iPfone wrote:
> > Hi All
> >
> > Somebody knows why asterisk gives me that error wile playing .mp3
> >
> > The files play well but the message aperas any way:

> Make sure the file is i the correct directory. The error message says
> the file doesn't exist.

How would * be able to play the file if it didn't exist? MP3 playing
code is touchy on more... "robust" MP3 files. Gavin's helpful hints:

1) Capture or down-convert to <= 160Kbps data rate
2) Mono
3) Remove all ID3 tags
4) Remove extraneous information such as album art, etc.

Basically, use sox and LAME to strip the MP3 file to bare minimum.

Also, I've found that some of the auto-magic Music-on-Hold (MOH) playing
code doesn't always work, or throws exceptions/core dumps in the mohmp3
directory. I use the following bits in my extensions.conf to insure
proper playback:

exten => s,1,Answer
exten => s,2,SetMusicOnHold,random    ; or whatever MOH defined in
exten => s,3,Dial ; or other commands after that

[snip - top-posting response deleted]


--- Gavin

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