[Asterisk-Users] ADSI & Vista/Aastra 350

Armand A. Verstappen armand at nl.envida.net
Thu Sep 18 13:12:43 MST 2003


On Wed, 2003-09-10 at 15:50, Matthew M. Gamble wrote:
> I have ADSI working on my Aastra (Vista/Nortel) 350 phone and everything is
> working fine.
> However, I want the asterisk.adsi to load into the 'self-load' slot but
> can't figure out what the correct FDN for doing this is.  Does anyone know
> the right FDN for the SL slot on these phones?

I have hammered Aastra support for three weeks, and finally got the
answer that it is impossible to load something in the self-load slot,
unless I would buy a custom model.
This is utter nonsens, as dialing the webconfig number will happily load
a script into the self-load slot. I have yet to receive reply to that
remark, and I'm confident by now that I never will.

So, the only solution I see is trying different fdn's untill you hit the
jackpot. I haven't found the motivation to do that. If you do, and do
find the right FDN, please let us know.

As I'm disgusted by Aastra's approach to this issue, I'm looking for
other ADSI phones that will allow me to load the self-load slot.
Suggestions, anyone?


Envida                     http://www.envida.net/
Armand A. Verstappen       Graadt van Roggenweg 328
armand at nl.envida.net       3531 AH Utrecht
tel: +31 (0)30 298 2255    Postbus 19127
fax: +31 (0)30 298 2111    3501 DC Utrecht
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