[Asterisk-Users] UK Asterisk user, please pick up the white courtesy phone

John Todd jtodd at loligo.com
Thu Sep 11 02:11:57 MST 2003

So, I have submitted my configurations as public samples, and I 
should have expected this situation to arise.  I changed all the 
relevant "private" configuration data in my samples to obfuscate or 
alter IP addresses, passwords, etc.  However, I left my email address 
in voicemail.conf...

Let me tell you, it took THREE messages sent by a distinctly 
British-sounding gentleman leaving snide comments in my voicemail 
before I finally bothered to look at the email headers and determine 
that this was from someone ELSE'S Asterisk server.

If you are the owner of 212.158.210.XX (lasts octet not shown to 
protect the guilty) please update your voicemail.conf file to not 
have my email address in it, otherwise I may start calling people 
back and pretending to be you if they should start leaving ring-back 


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